“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”
Cain, Angel of Death
Faceclaim: Andrew Grace (Getting to Know Grace)
Voiceclaim: it's been two months and I still don't have a good one
Name: Cain di Angelo
Age: She doesn't know this, but she's 24. Her birthday is October 30th.
Hair colour: Black
Eye Colour: Green
Birthplace: San Giorgio, Aurum.
Sexuality: (disaster) bi
Family Background: Abandoned her at the steps of a church in San Giorgio, taken in by Celestina, or so she thought. Later, she discovered that she was given up to honour a promise between her parents and Celestina.
Likes: Her spear, goats, smoking.
Dislikes: Rich people, slippery targets, sweet things.
Personality: Rude at first, but loyal if you end up on her good side.
Temper: Quick to anger.
As a child, she was abandoned on the steps of the church in San Giorgio, and taken in by Saint Celestina herself, who was visiting that day. She took pity upon the child, and gave her the name Cain, and raised her as if she were her own. Quickly discovering Cain's willingness to do whatever was asked of her, the Saint trained her as an assassin and thief, and requested work in these fields from her. She was trained extensively and harshly, the treatment from Celestina at times extremely abusive, and at times, caring and loving. As a result, despite her deep, possessive love for Celestina, Cain is terrified of her.
The first time Cain took another life, her heart grew cold to all but the woman she regarded as her mother.
Tiring of this abuse, Cain steeled her resolve to escape the grasp of the Church, taking Abel and Linsel alongside her. She was a changed person, no longer killing as she was ordered to, but instead killing the rich and giving to the poor, and freeing prisoners from the region's jails. Cain was doing this to gather support behind her cause of taking down the Church, and taking control of Aeterna, but opponents like Ezekiel were standing in her way. Taking down Ezekiel after a raging battle between the two, Cain's sights were set on eliminating Celestina as soon as possible.
A distraction to this plan was when Cain became deathly ill, a test from the god of the moon. He'd decided that he needed a new vessel, and after hearing about Cain's rebellion, chose her. Despite failure of this test meaning death, with Linsel's help, Cain pulled through the illness and battled the god of the moon, killing him and becoming the new god. She's still getting used to accidentally catching a moonbeam and setting something on fire.
Relationships, and other characters
Linsel - Cain and Linsel initially did not get along, but Cain eventually convinced Linsel to run away with her. Cain risked her life to break Linsel out of prison, and she would do it again without even thinking. Linsel repaid Cain by saving her life when she learned healing magic and healed her illness.
Abel (Cara Ivaldi) - Cain's 'business partner'. She was always behind Cain, supporting her on strike missions. Ezekiel killing her was the catalyst behind Cain recklessly challenging them head-on.
Ezekiel - Celestina's biological child, who opposed Cain, and burned down her hideout while they had Cain trapped in a burning building. Upon escaping, Cain witnessed them killing Abel and as a result, recklessly challenged them to a raging battle. Cain pulled out victorious, killing Ezekiel by impaling them on her spear.
Hima - Cain's best friend, even though she tries to deny it. (she can't)
Leaf - Cain didn't initally trust her, but now she would trust Leaf with her life. She already has Cain's heart.
Asshole - Cain's pet goat. Named after her behaviour.
Bungalow - Cain's pet moon wolf. Named "Bungalow" simply because Cain heard that on TV once, and thought it was cool. Linsel couldn't dissuade her from it, either...
[more to be added!!]